DJI Flighthub 2 software

Why choose DJI FlightHub 2 ?

Master your operating environment

Overcomes communication barriers

Plan precise flight routes

Unifies fleet, personnel and media management

FlightHub 2 is a cloud-based drone operations management platform that can help you achieve real-time insight into any situation. Access all the information you need to plan your drone missions, oversee your fleet, and manage your data from a totally secure cloud-based ecosystem.

Understanding of each situation in real time

Master your operating environment

Basic map in 2.5D1

Integrates elevation data with satellite maps to ensure total understanding in planning operations.

One-touch panoramic synchronization

Create a 360-degree overview and upload it to the cloud with a single tap. Shared overviews and captured coordinates ensure all team members have quick aerial awareness of any situation.

Cloud mapping

Generate RGB or infrared orthomosaic maps of areas up to 1.5 k㎡ in a single flight2. Orthomosaics are automatically overlaid on your 2.5D basemap, ensuring detailed awareness of your mission environment when needed.

Real-time transmission

Connect multiple users to one or more operations simultaneously and keep teams up-to-date on the latest developments through low latency and high-resolution live streaming.

Earth-Cloud Synergy

Collaboration between devices and real-time annotations

Access DJI FlightHub 2 projects from remote controls, computers, and mobile devices. Highlight objects or areas of interest with annotations such as points, lines and polygons to facilitate timely project alignment and task deployment.

Simplified communications for the team

Keep the team synchronized in real time as scenarios change. Share geo-tagged maps, photos, videos, and team locations directly to pilots, ground teams, and mission leaders.

Unified management, directly from the cloud

Route planning and mission management

Create any type of flight mission directly from your computer using the 2.5D basemap. Preview the expected results for each mission point, ensuring safe flight routes and data quality. Synchronize missions with pilots for more efficient and convenient execution.

Media management

Review the results of operations in the cloud. Open any captured photos, videos, or overviews and they will be displayed in the 2.5D basemap along with the corresponding coordinate information.

Drone operations programmed with DJI Dock

A new vision of remote work

Route planning

Flight scheduling

Execution of missions

Media uploading and archiving

Centralized operations and maintenance


In case of abnormal conditions such as heavy rain, high winds, or other situations that could affect the mission or equipment integrity, DJI Flighthub 2 will automatically send warning messages.

Remote maintenance

Check the status of DJI Dock and the aircraft remotely and debug the equipment when needed. Keep your missions operational without the need for constant maintenance.

Keep your data safe

DJI takes the security of your data seriously. We use world-class measures to protect the integrity of photos, videos, flight logs, and other user data, enabling you to safely and easily harness the power of the cloud-based fleet management system. FlightHub 2 is designed to maintain integrity across multiple layers of the drone and data management process, from device connection and maintenance, to data upload and transmission, to cloud service storage and operational security.

DJI FlightHub 2 uploads, stores and manages data on Amazon Web Services cloud servers, which comply with ISO/IEC 27001 security certifications.

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