Sniffer4D Aerial Gas Sampling

Sniffer4D Aerial Gas Sampling Module

Aerial Gas Sampling

Collect air samples from almost any desired location by integrating intelligent gas sampling capability into drones (UAVs).

Close the cycle “Sensing → Sampling → Laboratory Testing.”

Traditional Solutions

Difficult to Obtain

Collecting gas samples at high altitudes or on complex surfaces with a manual sampling method makes it difficult to achieve an ideal sampling mission and reduce costs.

High Risk

Inability to identify the risk of unknown gas near the sampling point.

Sampling without Objective

Inability to collect gas samples during monitoring and analysis of gas compositions,
or to sample in areas with anomalies.

Sniffer4D Aerial Gas Sampling Module + Sniffer4D Mini2 + UAV

By connecting Sniffer4D Mini2 to a UAV, the aerial gas sampling system adds sampling capabilities to drone-based solutions.
Integrated with real-time gas monitoring provided by Sniffer4D, the system allows the “Detect → Sample → Laboratory Test” cycle to be completed.

Reliable Structure and Installation

The micro diaphragm pump and one-way valve design ensures
airtight storage of gas samples, preventing
leakage during collection and transport.
The sampling bags, secured with zip ties, are firmly anchored to the landing gear to prevent them from coming loose during the mission

Plug & Play

Seamless integration with DJI M300RTK and DJI M210/M210RTK, with support for on/off sampling via DJI Pilot.

The quick-mount stand allows
you to start the system by simply
hooking the air pump to the landing gear and connecting it to the sampler via USB-C cable.

Smart Sampling

Allows one-touch sampling via DJI Pilot and Sniffer4D Mapper. Intelligent air pressure sensor automatically stops sampling when the bag is full. Compatible with sampling bags of different capacities, a standard 1-liter bag completes sample collection in less than 1 minute.

High Efficiency Workflow

Integrated with Sniffer4D’s real-time gas monitoring, the system allows the “Detect → Sample → Laboratory Test” cycle to be completed.

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