Professional Drone Hire

Rent Your Professional Drone Now

Why pay NOW for something you will use in the coming years!

Discover all the benefits of DroneBase Rental/Leasing

Noleggio operativo con droni

Pay in convenient installments

  • Zero down payments, easy and quick to apply
  • Small and convenient rateda24 to 60months
  • All-Risk helmet insurance on drone and accessories
  • Lower costs than financing or leasing
  • Good immediately available
  • 100% tax-deductible installment by installment
  • Possibility of final redemption of the asset
  • Possibility of early termination of the contract
*Available only for vat holders with at least 18months of activity

Requirements for accessing Operational Rental

  • VAT number with at least 18 months of activity
  • Copy of front/back ID of the signer;
  • Copy of the petitioner’s social security number;
  • Copy of the company’s telephone number
  • Minimum amount of the asset to be rented € 1000.00 + vat

What is Operational Drone Rental?

Operational rental of professional drones (or Operational Lease) allows our clients to use any drone in our catalog with related accessories such as cameras, thermal imaging cameras or others without owning it and without committing to purchase it at the end of the contract, with a whole series of important fiscal advantages.

*Available only for vat holders with at least 18months of activity

What happens at the end of drone rental?

At the end of the operational drone rental, the customer has the option to:

  • Redeem the drone with a minimal amount of money
  • Making the drone and closing the contract
  • Replacing the drone with a new product

Why Rent a Drone

1. Tax savings: cost also fully deductible for IRAP purposes with no distinction between principal and interest rate unlike leasing;
2. Ability to choose how to defer the cost according to one’s budget needs and consequently lower any business profit from a minimum of 24 to a maximum of 60 months;
3. Advance VAT on the individual fee and not on the entire amount;
4. It is a commercial contract, does not enter into the risk center, and as such leaves free access to additional credit than leasing or financing;
5. Simple for administration to handle, as it is a service bill and not an asset bill;
6. Increased Safety with Kasko all risk coverage insurance;
7. Simplicity of management: the risk of technological obsolescence falls on the lessor company and not on the lessee (the customer);
8. Flexibility in management: Ability to add assets as work progresses, with equal expiration of the contract;
9. Unlike direct purchase,professional drone rental has no capital loss at the end of the contract if the customer decides to leave the asset;
10. Full asset financing and certainty with respect to costs (fixed and non-indexed fees);

How to rent a Drone

1. Select the professional drone and its possible matching accessories/services from our catalog.
2. During checkout from the site select operational rental among the forms of payment or request a rental quote by emailing your request to [email protected]
3. Fill out the online form with all your details indicating the rental period from 24 to 60 months and attach copies of the required documents.
4. If the request is accepted you will receive the non-binding contract to be read and signed and sent to us in copy by fax to 0541.1791883 and in original by registered mail to our address.
5. Once the signed documents have been received, the order will enter processing and will be delivered on time.
6. You will start paying the rental installments from the end of the month in which the asset was delivered.

Contact us at 0541.1790411 for more information

our consultants will assist you in configuring the ideal
“Combo” for your need.

Discover Our Combos

up to 20% Tax Relief

The goal of Industry 4.0 is to incentivize Italian companies that invest in capital goods to improve, through digitization, their production processes. This translates into Fiscal benefits on the one hand and Productive benefits on the other.

To whom it is addressed:

  • Start-upper
  • Freelancers
  • SME
  • Public Administration and Law Enforcement

Find out how

Rent your drone from 150€/Month

Pay in convenient installments

– Zero down payment, easy and quick to apply
– All-Risk helmet insurance on drone and accessories
– Small and convenient installments from 24 to 60 months
– Lower costs than a loan or lease
– Asset immediately available
– 100% tax-deductible installment by installment
– Possibility of final redemption of asset
– Possibility of early termination of contract

*Available only for vat holders with at least 18months of activity

Find out how

Talk to our Expert

DroneBase provides you with Expert Consultants
who can recommend the most appropriate product for your needs
and meet all your needs
Hardware, Software and ENAC.

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Talk to our Expert

DroneBase provides you with Expert Consultants
who can recommend the most appropriate product for your needs
and meet all your needs
Hardware, Software and ENAC.

Call us NOW!

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contact you back as soon as possible to provide you with a
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* Entrando a far parte del nostro Network Piloti potrai ricevere Offerte di Lavoro in Italia e All’estero

** Scopri ed impara tutte le funzioni avanzate per essere subito pronto ad usare a pieno il tuo nuovo strumento professionale.

Il corso viene eseguito dal nostro team di tecnici specializzati da anni nel settore di servizi con drone con esperienza sul campo quotidiana.